
鲁瑾 副教授
学会任职: 副主任委员
所属分会: 糖尿病专科分会
工作单位: 长海医院
出诊信息: 点击查看
专业: 内分泌代谢
亚专业: 糖尿病大血管并发症;脂肪肝;胰源性糖尿病
专业主攻方向: 脂代谢紊乱;代谢综合征;胰岛功能保护

承担国家省部级课题8项;发表论文40余篇,在METBOLISM等杂志发表SCI论文13篇;获军队医疗成果三等奖1项。 重要论文: 1. Endogenous protective factors and potential therapeutic agents for diabetes-associated atherosclerosis. Frontier in endocrinology, 2022.04. 2. Changes in gut microbiota, metabolite SCFAs, and GPR43 expression in obese diabetic mice after sleeve gastrectomy. Journal of applied microbiology, 2022.04. 3. Relationship Between Serum Neopterin Level and Peripheral Arterial Plaque in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 2021.06. 4. Association between serum visfatin levels and atherosclerotic plaque in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, 2019.07. 5. Effects Of PPARγ2 Pro12Ala Variant On Adipocyte Phenotype Dependent Of DHA. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 2019.11. 6. Glucose tolerance and free fatty acid metabolism in adults with variations in TCF7L2 rs7903146. Metabolism, 2017.03. 国家发明专利:2型糖尿病早发动脉斑块风险的预测模型;实用新型专利:一种2型糖尿病高危风险评分看板。