发表的论文(近五年): 1 Identificatio n of prognostic risk factors for esophageal adenocarcinoma using bioin formatics analysis 通讯作者 Onco Targets Ther SCI 2.656 2018 Jul 25;11 4327-4337 2 MaternaSeparation Induced Visceral Hypersensit ivity from Childhood to Adulthood 通讯作者 Journal of Neurogastroenterolgy and M otility SCI 2.457 2017,23(2) 306-305 3 Role of 5-HT1A receptor in insular cortex mediating stress - induced visceral sensory dysfunction 通讯作者 Neurogastr oenterology and Motility SCI 3.74 2016,2(7) 1104-1113 4 Down‐regulation of HTR1A‐modulated ACC activation contributes to stress‐induced visceral hyperalgesia in rats 通讯作者 Neurogastroenterology and Motility SCI 3.842 获得的专利项目(近五年): 1 一种带弹性线圈的钛夹 201822214550.X 2019-08 第二发明人 获得的科技奖励(近五年): 1 精神应激相关的脑-肠互动异常性疾病中枢致敏机研究制 2016-05 上海医学科技奖 省部级 二等奖